all Muslim marriage bureau owner's welfare association

12-02-2023 Murad nagar, near meiraj royal sea hotel, Hydrabad, Telangana – 500028, India

Future Vision 2024 of our  Association 
* Educate and train new matchmakers

* Educate parents of Brides about benefits of Early Marriage (Age 21-24)

* Program for Poor Girls and Families (Free matchmaking free marriage)

* Program for Differently Abled (Partially Handicapped)

* Program for Divorced women with 1 & more kids (Like albums, Website, or Exclusive matchmaking)

* Connecting with all masjids and Religious leaders of all sects in Muslims to emphasize more about marriage problems in Juma Qutbah

* Keeping albums in Masjids for poor people to have free access to matches

* Provide new matchmakers with Templates and resources like background verification templates etc

* Share all matchmaker’s expertise and knowledge for use of Community

* Motivate Matchmakers to move with technological A dvances

* Make public aware about Reality of and insights of Requirements and Demands of parents

* A Single platform to share Frauds and Scammers to share with all matchmakers so they can check before approving new matches hi profile low profile any match

* Exclusive Benefits for member’s

* Create Directory of matchmakers
About our Association

The All Muslim Marriage Beaurau Owners Welfare Association Hyderabad.Was Established in Year 2022
The Leadership as follows President Faheem Sultana & General Secretary Mohammed Jahangir Ali

Our office is Located in Asifnagar Hyderabad

All Muslim Marriage Beaurau Owners Welfare Association Hyderabad has today grown to reach a strong membership of more than 500 small, medium and big Muslim Matchmakers.
The prime objective of the Association is to promote and encourage the establishment of new derivative and related markets and to promote communication among members, to strengthen their relationship and to transfer information and experience among them.

The Services presently rendered by the Association to its members are

* Support and training to New matchmakers
* Educating existing matchmakers about current market updates and conditions
General Body Meeting Date 2023
Core Valuves
Vision   Of AMMBOWA  

* A New direction to be provided to Muslim Matchmaking Industry

* A Place where matchmakers can connect and share experiences to help our community 

* Established to Help Muslim community which is facing challenges Like Dowry, late Marriage & Divorce Cases Educate people about Sharia Nikahs and Make the process of Nikah easy 

* Our Focus to change Matchmaking Industry’s reputation among people and make matchmaking the best experience Encourage new people in industry  

* Develop Special and Ethical Discipline among Matchmakers. 

* Encourage New matchmakers to join industry

* Create friendly atmosphere between Matchmakers and Customers. 

are you a marriage beaurau owner

Help Us In Our Mission

The Prophet () said:

“The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.”  

[Musnad Ahmed: 3577] 

Send Your, Donations, Contributions, by Cheque / Demand Drafts / Cash / Money Orders to:


Account Name 


Account No 

: 1072466902 



Bank Name 


Branch Code 

: 03080 



Account Type  

: Current Account 

For details Or confirmation of Donation please contact